Price Match Promise

As part of our commitment to providing the best service and price, Shutter Spec Direct offers its customer a fantastic price match promise.

If you find a similar item being sold on another online store for a lower price than we are selling it, we will do everything we can to match or even beat that price.

We already price our shutters, grilles and doors incredibly competitively, but there are times when other sites might be running a special offer or promotion which makes them cheaper than us. On these occasions, all we ask is that you call us to see if we can better that price for you.

Buying multiple products at once? - we also offer a multi-buy discount on purchases made over the phone so we can save you even more money!

*Please note: The product we are matching must be brand new and of identical specification and dimensions to be considered. Our best price will take into account any shipping charges and or free items.